Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Most Comprehensive Article Yet on Range Fuels and the Closing


The original article was published by the AJC, dated today, February 12, 2011, but when we searched for it, it was already in the archives.  Follow this link to see what we found:'s%20biomass%20bubble;%20Millions%20spent%20on%20hope%20Range%20Fuels%20would%20make%20state%20a%20major%20producer.&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=(Plant%20closure%20bursts%20Ga.'s%20biomass%20bubble;%20Millions%20spent%20on%20hope%20Range%20Fuels%20would%20make%20state%20a%20major%20producer.)&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no

Excerpts we found most interesting:

more than $162 million in local, state and federal grants, loans and other subsidies committed to the venture.
But critics say the shutdown is a case of good money thrown at unproven science and lofty promises.
Vinod Khosla, the dot-com billionaire behind Range Fuels, vowed in 2007 to "declare a war on oil" and said "cellulosic ethanol is the weapon we need."
Treutlen County, one of the state's poorest, offered 20 years worth of tax abatements and 97 acres in its industrial park.
Ryan Alexander, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense in Washington, said the government should seek to get its money back.
Tree limbs, grasses, cornstalks, hog manure, municipal garbage and other limitless supplies would be transformed into fuel to be blended with gasoline. Less oil would mean fewer greenhouse gases. Because the process doesn't use corn, food prices wouldn't be affected.
A University of Georgia economic impact study concluded that Treutlen County alone would gain 194 direct (factory-related) and indirect (restaurant, hardware store, etc.) jobs with an annual $5.8 million payroll. UGA pegged the statewide economic impact at $150 million.
Georgia awarded Range $6.2 million from the OneGeorgia fund
Range has until 2015 
Read the whole story:

Again we contend that the main problem was lack of oversight by federal, state, and local entities.

Approved by Marlee
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