Sirens were sounding, lights were blinking, people were gathering, and friendly strangers were in town, several tractor-trailers showed up - one of them with 48 wheels. Then the southbound train with one engine and one flat car rounded the bend at the Primary School, eased through the crowd and stopped near the Cauley House (old Howell Hall house). One curious object was resting on the car held by stout cables. It was a genuine UFO (unidentified freight object).
It was a big old thang! Up to September 23, 2009, some people weren't sure that the Range Fuels project would ever materialize, but the UFO arrival on the train Wednesday evening was solid evidence.
It was as dazzling a sight as when the Amtrak train came through in the 1980's. It was the most exciting events since the donkey ball games of the 1970's and the cheerleaders stopping under the traffic lights after every football win to dance and cheer in the streets. History was made. Enjoy the pictures!





















This post approved by Marlee.
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