The flags are flying in Soperton, courtesy of the city officials, some of them being veterans and know first-hand the meaning of Memorial Day. Small flags are placed in cemeteries on veterans' graves, a practice led by the late Eddie Young of the American Legion.

Among those such flags at Rosemont Cemetery is at the foot of the grave of fallen hero Walter Lee Clements, the county's only Vietnam Veteran to die in the war. Rosement Cemetery has its own large flag and pole.

Clements' grave is the gold colored one to the right of the flag pole in this picture.

The wind had blown over the pot of red, white, and blue flowers, and we didn't straighten it for the picture, as it represents a fallen hero.

Walter Lee Clements' grave has a simple veteran headstone.
DEC 28 1941 MARCH 13 1967
For his obituary, go to the Bill Ricks of Soperton blog (May 24), our link "New Signs and Old Pictures".
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This post approved by Marlee.
Walter was a hero!
Hello Rick
First off, let me introduce myself, I’m Michael Withers, Retired Senior Chief, USN, and administrator for GMG3 Walter L. Clements’ profile on the togetherweserved.com web page. If you are not familiar with this site, let me give you a little insight: Commencing with the launch of its US Marines website on the Marine Corps Birthday in 2003, Togetherwerserved.com has produced a series of US Military community heritage websites specially created to enable current or former serving US Servicemen and women to reconnect with old friends, create a lasting legacy of their service, and share in the camaraderie of others who served.
TWS's highly detailed profile pages display a Service member’s entire service history in the finest presentation available including the display of service photos and memories, medal ribbons and insignia as-worn on uniform, era-specific unit patches and many other features that ensures a Member's service to their Country will never be forgotten. With possibly the most comprehensive units, battles and graphics databases in existence, TWS's advanced search capabilities are second to none making TWS a highly effective military locator.
A while back, they compiled a list of Sailors who fell in the Vietnam War and were not currently maintained by a Member. If you wanted to take responsibility for researching and being the caretaker of one or more of these Fallen Profiles, you
could select an "Adopt this Fallen Sailor Profile" and that would assign the profile to you. You would then become the adopter/administer of that Profile. This holds true for all the branches of the service, not just the Navy.
Any way, Walter is (1) of (404) profiles I’ve adopted, some dating back as far as WW I, and you’d be correct, some have very little information available on the internet, Walter being one of them. That’s why I was ecstatic when I came across your web page! I’ve included the link to his profile so that you may see what it looks like, I’ll even throw mine in, just so you can see who I am. You may notice on Walter’s profile that some of the pictures and writings look awfully familiar, that’s because I used some of the pictures and exerts from you blog. If you should have any ill feelings…..I will delete them, but regrettably.
I do have a few questions of you, you stated that he joined the Navy in 1960, everything I’ve found says he serviced 4 yrs in the Navy, making the 62 – 63 timeframe for joining the Navy.
I’m also having trouble understanding the cause and reason of death? Do you know of anyone that was able to determine the actual case of death?
Would you by chance know where he may have gone to boot camp?
Any additional information you may have or could obtain would be of immense help in making his profile as complete as possible, especially his service photo!!
Wow….didn’t realize I was so long winded? Do look forward to hearing from you!
Walters Link: http://navy.togetherweserved.com/profile/413552
My Link: http://navy.togetherweserved.com/profile/377683
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